Shadow of His Wings Children's Home

Shadow of His Wings Children’s Home is a program of James Project of Latin America. The purpose of the program is to serve children who have been abandoned/neglected, physically abused, sexually abused, and/or trafficked. Sometimes these children have suffered in all or multiple areas.
Every child we serve is court appointed and supervised. We are an accredited program that works with government agencies to care for these children.
Shadow of His Wings is not an orphanage, but a home for children in need. Our purpose is to serve the children that we receive, until their biological family is ready and able to care for them themselves. Because there is no functioning foster care program in Guatemala, homes like ours serve as temporary foster homes for these children. And just like the foster care system in North America, some kids stay with us longer than others.
The most important thing is not how long a child is put into our care, but how well we serve that child while he/she is with us. We cannot control when a child leaves our home, but we can guarantee they will have been cared for in the best way possible. Each child is well fed, well educated, well discipled, and much loved. That is our purpose and our promise.