Become a Visionary

What is a Visionary?

Have you visited the James Project in Guatemala and are now feeling called to share the vision and support the organization in a bigger way?  Visionaries have a heart for the mission of providing displaced children and women spiritual, physical, emotional and educational support.  A Visionary is someone who takes actionable steps to ensure the vision of the James Project comes to fruition including:

  • Visit the James Project in Guatemala to experience firsthand the needs of the people.
  • Provide an annual personal financial contribution of at least $500 to the James Project.
  • Speak publicly to share the mission and needs including possible travel to present on behalf of the organization.
  • Raise a minimum of $8,500 annually through fundraising, speaking, solicitation, and/or bringing a mission team to Guatemala.
  • Have a heart for the Lord and the James Project of Latin America.

‘We feel that our family has been very blessed and God is calling upon us to share those blessings with the James Project of Latin America in a big way including sharing the story, providing financial support to the women of the Redeemed Program, and raising funds annually for the James Project to further the mission.  For every blessing we have shared through the James Project, we have been rewarded ten-fold in knowing we are truly making a difference in the lives of Guatemalans who so desperately need our support and God’s love.” ---- Cynthia Stuart, Concord Vermont

How will the James Project support me as a Visionary?

We are committed to supporting Visionaries who assist us with public relations and fundraising to open doors and make connections in geographical areas beyond our reach. Our support will include:

  • Direct access to the Directors for one-on-one assistance.
  • Periodic web or conference call meetings to collaborate with the team in Guatemala and other Visionaries.
  • Online tools including example communication tools, fundraising strategies, and outreach guidance. 

How to get involved?

If you are interested in becoming a Visionary, email Tiffany to get more information.